
Who is the tract designer?

Dr. Dave is a former atheist/evolutionist who became a Christian as a young man, and has been involved in many levels of ministry throughout his Christian life. Presently, he invests his time in street evangelism, research, writing, and generally trying to make his days count. He holds five academic degrees, including a Ph.D. in laser physics and an MBA. He enjoyed a 20-year Air Force career in research and development, and has won the Air Force R&D Award for Advanced Technology. After retiring from the Air Force (as a Lt. Colonel) he enjoyed a second career as an R&D manager at a large defense contractor and then as a professor at a major state university. In ministry, by the grace of God, he has served as a Sunday school teacher, a junior church director, a bus captain and bus ministry director, taught evening classes at a rescue mission, created a training program for street evangelism, led a house church . . . and should have done far more and wasted far less of his discretionary time through the years. A few years ago, he and Bonnie moved from the Phoenix area, where they enjoyed doing street, campus, and door-to-door evangelism, to Louisiana, where they continue to do the same . . . but now with the help of their grandchildren!